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AFIMA Leaders Program 2024 Closing Ceremony of Nagasaki University 2024


On Wednesday, June 26, 2024, the closing ceremony for the AFIMA Leaders Program Short-Term Host Program was held at Nagasaki University’s Yokoku Shi Koryu Kaikan.


Unfortunately, it was raining on the day of the ceremony, but it turned out to be a cheerful and heartwarming event, with students dressed in colorful yukata (light cotton kimono) and students from our graduate school who had interacted with AFIMA program alumni attending the ceremony on a voluntary basis.


As Professor Kazuaki Kawamoto handed each student a diploma and a commemorative gift while addressing them individually, the 10 students broke into refreshing smiles.


After the award ceremony, they each gave a short speech, thanking their teachers and others involved and sharing their memories of the three months.


Students looking mysterious during the awarding ceremony





◾️Hyeonbeom LIM Pukyong National University

I was very happy to be able to participate in this program. Shopping at commercial facilities in front of Nagasaki Station and being able to participate in an ice cream festival (Aipaku) and eating ice cream together are good memories of Nagasaki.





◾️Sumin HWANG Pukyong National University

Thank you very much for all your support. I was happy to be able to participate in this program. The lectures were difficult at first, but I tried to understand as much as possible and answer questions from the professors. It was a valuable experience in my life.





◾️Seunga JEONG Pukyong National University

I had a very good experience in Japan. When we went out to sea for practical training, the weather was bad and I got seasick, but that is also a good memory. I think we have built a very good relationship with everyone through this program. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those involved for giving me unforgettable memories and wish you all the best.





◾️Chaehyeon KIM Pukyong National University

This program has given me great joy and experience in my life. The academic lectures were excellent, incorporating interesting activities and providing suggestions on a variety of topics.





◾️Dasom CHOI Pukyong National University

I am truly grateful for the invaluable relationships I have built with my teachers and friends. These three months have been an unforgettable experience in my life so far. I would like to participate again if given the chance.





◾️Estefania Lourdres SIMA Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to my teachers, Korean friends, and Japanese friends who have taken care of me. The training in Kamigoto was particularly impressive. I am grateful to Nagasaki University for giving me the opportunity to search for my future.





◾️Siti Hajjar MUSTAPA Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

I am sincerely grateful to Professor Kawamoto and the other professors, as well as the university staff who took care of me. Japan is punctual, so I tried my best every time not to be late for lectures. I would like to make the most of this experience in the future.





◾️Sharifah Nur Batrisya SYED AZMUDDIN Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

Today is the last day of the program. I want to say “thank you” to the teachers and friends I learned with. I would love to participate in such a wonderful opportunity again.





◾️Hazril Shauqi AHMAD SABRI Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

Thank you to all who have given me this opportunity to be here. I would also like to thank my wonderful Korean friends whom I have become good friends with. The special two-week training period is especially memorable. I will never forget Nagasaki University.





◾️Siti Zuqrina ABDUL HAKAM Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

I am fortunate to have been able to participate in this program. I had a wonderful time and experience thanks to you and your teachers. We believe that we can join forces for the future.




Students listen to Prof. Kawamoto’s speech with serious eyes



Finally, Professor Kazuaki Kawamoto presented a message to the students who completed the AFIMA Leaders Program 2024.


“Our mission is to share and learn technologies for the future and contribute to sustainable fisheries. Please continue to challenge yourself towards the next generation. The future is in your hands.”


Students with smiles on their faces after successfully completing the program.


Students discussing memories of the three months.


Malaysian goods as a gift for 3 months



At the end of the event, everyone moved to the Japanese-style room at the Ip Kokushi Koryu Kaikan for a pleasant chat. Students spend their time as they wish, taking pictures with the beautiful garden in the background and bidding farewell to each other. The students said to each other, “That was fun,” “Let’s meet again,” and promised to see each other again by presenting each other with gifts.


AFIMA Leaders Program2024 Support Teachers

・Kazuaki Kawamoto Professor, Dean
・Hideki Nakayama Professor, Vice-dean
・Yoshiki Matsushita Professor, Vice-dean
・Masaki Nagae Professor
・Hee-Jin Kim  Associate Professor
・Mitsuhide Satou  Assistant Professor


Nagasaki University 2024 AFIMA Leaders Program 2024 Opening Ceremony


The 2024 AFIMA Leaders Program Opening Ceremony was held on Friday, April 5, 2024. A total of 10 international students will participate in the program, five from Pukyong National University (PKNU) and five from Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT). Four students from Nagasaki University also joined to support the international students. They will study together for about three months, from April to June.



At the opening ceremony, Professor.Kazuaki Kawamoto, Dean of the Graduate School, gave a speech, wishing the students to challenge themselves in various things and enjoy their life in Nagasaki. Then, the international students participating in this program introduced themselves.




Professor.Hideki Nakayama, Vice-dean of the Graduate School, explained the program and the precautions to be taken in life in Nagasaki.






Pukyong National University(PKNU)


● Seunga JEONG (Pukyong National University)



● Chaehyeon KIM (Pukyong National University)



● Dasom CHOI (Pukyong National University)



● Sumin HWANG (Pukyong National University)



● Hyeonbeom LIM (Pukyong National University)




Universiti Malaysia Terengganu(UMT)


● Siti Hajjar MUSTAPA  (Universiti Malaysia Terengganu)



● Sharifah Nur Batrisya SYED AZMUDDIN  (Universiti Malaysia Terengganu)



● Estefania Lourdres SIMA  (Universiti Malaysia Terengganu)



● Siti Zuqrina ABDUL HAKAM  (Universiti Malaysia Terengganu)



● Hazril Shauqi AHMAD SABRI  (Universiti Malaysia Terengganu)




【Supporting students】

Four students from Nagasaki University participated. Yuri Yamamoto, Yukino Baba, Sohei Shibasaki, Yuko Kameyama, and Akiko Iwayama, who have experience studying abroad for a short term, will also join as supporters and study together.


Yuri Yamamoto



Yukino Baba



Sohei Shibasaki



Yuko Kameyama



Akiko Iwayama




We will support them.


● Professor.Kazuaki Kawamoto, Dean



● Professor.Hideki Nakayama, Vice-dean



● Professor.Yoshiki Matsushita, Vice-dean



● Professor.Masaki Nagae



● associate professor.Hee-Jin KIM



● assistant professor.Mitduhide Sato




After the opening ceremony, student supporters guided the students around the campus, explaining the main active locations such as lecture halls, laboratories, and the library.


Over the next three months, new exchanges and learning will begin.


International Cooperative Human Resource Development Program for Realizing Sustainable Asian Fisheries and Marine Environment / AFIMA Leaders Program Student Achievement Presentation 2023


In the summer of 2023, five students from Nagasaki University studied abroad in the AFIMA Leaders Program for a short period of time.

The students presented the results of their studies at Universiti Malaysia Trengganu and Pukyong National University.

Here are the contents of each presentation.



Ryo Okamoto

Faculty of Environmental Science, 4th year
Studied at Universiti Malaysia Terengganu for about 2.5 months



Through a variety of fieldwork
Experiencing the local natural environment

At Universiti Malaysia Trengganu, I attended lectures on fish microbiology, economics, and fish specimens. During the fieldwork conducted in Kelantan, specimens were made from fish obtained at fishing ports and fish markets, and an illustrated book was produced. The snorkeling and bottom trawling we experienced on Bidong Island were also impressive. There, I spent precious time with lizards, squirrels, and small fish and coral reefs that I could not see in Nagasaki. I was anxious during my study abroad period, but the local teachers and students were kind and helped me in any way they could, so I was able to get through it. I hope to apply these experiences to the rest of my life.


Specimen preparation.


Beautiful Bidong Island visited by the class.





Shunya Kiyabu

Faculty of Fisheries, 4th year
Studied at Universiti Malaysia Terengganu for about 2.5 months



Influenced by the Malaysian national character
I have become more proactive myself.

I originally studied zooplankton. I decided to study abroad this time because I wanted to further develop his previous research. At Terengganu University, I had some trouble with classes in non-specialized fields and many opportunities to use the Malay language, but I was supported by the kindness of the people around me. I was happy to see certain results in a study that examined changes in the population of fish fed feather meal (a feed made from the feathers of parent chickens) and yeast. I was also greatly influenced by the diplomatic nature of the Malaysian people and their positive attitude toward learning. It has certainly helped me grow.


Research projects examining changes in fish populations.


Malaysia is full of friendly and cheerful people.





Kento Nakase

Faculty of Fisheries, 2th year
Studied at Pukyong National University for about 4 months



With people from other cultures
I realized the necessity and difficulty of communicating thoughts and feelings

I studied at Pukyong National University to gain an international perspective on fisheries resource management, improve my language skills, and experience Korean culture. In the Global Fisheries Economics lecture, I proposed a marketing plan for sustainable marine resource products and felt the difficulty of communicating my opinion correctly. There is also a boarding exercise to Cheju Island to observe the fishing and aquaculture farms. I also had the opportunity to eat island food, which was a good experience from a cultural aspect. I had many opportunities to use English there, and I realized again that speaking English broadens your worldview.


We also did an internship at M S C.


Boarding practice.





Mine Sugito

Faculty of Fisheries, 1th year
Studied at Pukyong National University for about 4 months



Learning about fisheries from a different angle
Changed my way of thinking

I studied Fisheries Management and Economics at Pukyong University. Some lectures required two or three presentations, so active participation in class was necessary. The library was well stocked and easy to spend time in, so when a report assignment of more than 4,500 words was assigned, I stayed there and prepared it. I believe that my English skills have improved, not only because of the reports, but also because about 70% of the local language used was English. This year’s study focused on approaching fisheries from an economic perspective, such as the situation of fisheries in Korea and how to sell processed marine products. I originally majored in biology, but it was a great experience for me to see fisheries from a completely different angle.


Jagalchi Market, Korea’s largest market specializing in fish.


Sailboat party prepared by the teacher as an opportunity for socializing.





Yuri Yamamoto

Graduate School of Fisheries Science and Environmental Studies, Master’s Program, 1st Year
Studied at Pukyong National University for about 4 months



Facing global fisheries science
Improved research attitude and motivation

In the lecture on global fisheries studies, I was able to deepen my learning by listening to the opinions of students from diverse countries. Extracurricular activities include participation in BISFE 2023, an international exhibition focused on seafood and fisheries. Experiencing the actual international trade site of marine products in Busan has inspired my motivation for the global fishery industry in the future. When I presented my research at a conference, I had a valuable opportunity to receive questions and suggestions from foreign professors, and it was also a good chance to review my own research.


Various companies from aquaculture to seafood processing equipment manufacturers participate in BISFE2023.


Conference Presentations.


I held a joint session at a meeting in PICES annual

On October 21, 2023, I would have United States of America Seattle, and joint session “Collaboration with PICES 2023 and Asia Fisheries and Marine Environment Leaders Program” with this Program was held at a conference in North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) annual held.
Three teachers, researcher one, graduate student three announced it from Korean Pukyong National University which participated in this program, and one teacher performed invitation act from the Malaysia Terengganu University.

Associate professor Hee-Jin Kim was the field and performed a presentation titled “Light wavelength and intensity effects on phototactic behavior of pediveligers in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas” from this school.



International Postgraduate Symposium was held at Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

For two days on August 16 and 17, 2023, the “2nd International Postgraduate Symposium on Agricultural and Food Science” was held at the Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, a participating university of this program.

Faculty members and students from the four universities participating in this program participated, and Associate Professor Hee-Jin Kim gave an invited lecture on site, and two graduate students gave poster presentations online.



Nagasaki University 2023 AFIMA Leaders Program 2023 Closing Ceremony


The closing ceremony of the 2023 AFIMA Leaders Program short-term acceptance program was held on Tuesday, June 27, 2023.


The five exchange students who received their diplomas from Dean Shigenobu Takeda had very radiant expressions.


On the day of the opening ceremony held in April, all five students had stiff expressions, but at the graduation ceremony three months later, their expressions were soft and many smiles were seen.


Dean Takeda also said that he was able to spend fulfilling days with all the wonderful students.


Five exchange students also expressed their gratitude to the teachers.


Dean Takeda gave us a greeting at the closing ceremony.


It seems that three months went by in the blink of an eye.


International students listening to Professor Takeda’s words.



■ILGHON KWON  Pukyong National University

In addition to studying, I was able to spend fun days going sightseeing in Tokyo and fishing in Kamigoto Island. I am grateful for the wonderful teachers and friends I have met.


■GYEONGSUN WOO  Pukyong National University

I learned a lot. I was able to make a lot of friends and 2023 was remembered as the happiest year of my life so far.


■FENGRUI SHI  Ocean University of China

Through this program, I was able to interact with people from many countries and spend precious days. The friends I made in Japan became my precious treasure.


■MUHAMMAD DANIAL NOOR ISKANDAR  Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

Through this program, I gained a deeper understanding of fisheries and the environment. I would like to make use of my valuable experience and live in the future.


■RAJA MUHAMAD MUKMIN  Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

I was able to spend lively days with my friends. All are unforgettable memories.



Five exchange students say that everything they learned at Nagasaki University for three months was wonderful.


Five exchange students full of smiles with graduation points in their hands.


Let’s all meet again someday! His smile burst out.



The professors of Nagasaki University Support Teachers.


– Shigenobu Takeda Professor, Dean
– Minoru Wada  Professor, Vice-dean
– Masaki Nagae  Professor
– Hee-Jin Kim  Associate Professor
– Mitsuhide Satou  Assistant Professor


Nagasaki University 2023 AFIMA Leaders Program 2023 Opening Ceremony


April 7, 2023, the opening ceremony and orientation of the 2023 AFIMA Leaders Program short-term acceptance program was held.


There are 5 international students. Two students from Pukyong National University, one from Ocean University of China, and two from Universiti Malaysia Terengganu will participate.


Six assistant students from Nagasaki University will join us and study together.


– ILGHON KWON (Pukyong National University)

– GYEONGSUN WOO (Pukyong National University)

– FENGRUI SHI (Ocean University of China)

– MUHAMMAD DANIAL NOOR ISKANDAR (Universiti Malaysia Terengganu)

– RAJA MUHAMAD MUKMIN (Universiti Malaysia Terengganu)


Dr. Shigenobu Takeda, Dean of the Graduate School, gave a greeting saying that he hopes students will learn a lot in the future, and introduced themselves to the international students participating in this program.


ILGHON KWON  Pukyong National University


GYEONGSUN WOO  Pukyong National University


FENGRUI SHI  Ocean University of China


MUHAMMAD DANIAL NOOR ISKANDAR  Universiti Malaysia Terengganu


RAJA MUHAMAD MUKMIN  Universiti Malaysia Terengganu



The international students were still nervous, but I hope they will have a fulfilling life in the future.



Six assistant students from Nagasaki University also participated. Sohei Shibasaki, a second-year student who studied abroad at Pukyong National University in South Korea the previous year, will also live with international students as a supporter.



The professors of Nagasaki University will also provide solid support.


– Shigenobu Takeda Professor, Dean

– Minoru Wada  Professor, Vice-dean

– Masaki Nagae  Professor

– Hee-Jin Kim  Associate Professor

– Mitsuhide Satou  Assistant Professor




After the opening ceremony, Professor Masaki Nagae guided the participants around the campus and explained the main active places such as lecture rooms, laboratories, and libraries.

Thank you for your support over the next three months.


AFIMA annual on-site meeting


Hosted by Nagasaki University (NU), Ocean University of China (OUC), Pukyong National University (PKNU), and Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) to report on the 2022 AFIMA Leaders Program and the 2023 AFIMA Leaders Program.



Professor Takeda of Nagasaki University gave a greeting and said that we had a good start from the first session and that he would like to thank each university for their cooperation.



The professors who participated in this conference are as follows.


Ocean University of China (OUC)

Professor/Dean  Qi Li
Drector  Weidong Li
Professor/Dean Assistant  Yang Liu


Pukyong National University (PKNU)

Professor Do-Hoon Kim
Professor Ho-Geun Jang


Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT)

Professor/Dean  Mohd.Effendy Bin Abd.Wahid
Associate professor/Deputy Dean  Hayati Binti Mohd Yusof
Associate professor  Wan Nurul Nadiah Binti Wan Rasdi
Lecturer  Yeny Nadira Binti Kamaruzzaman
Lecturer  Shumpei Iehata


Nagasaki University (NU)

Professor/Dean Shigenobu Takeda
Professor/Vice Dean Masaki Nagae
Associate professor Hee-Jin Kim
Assistant professor  Mitsuhide Sato



From left to right  Professor Ho-Geun Jang・Professor/Dean Qi Li・Drector Weidong Li・Professor/Dean Shigenobu Takeda・Professor/Dean  Mohd.Effendy Bin Abd.Wahid




Each university reported on the program for the 2022 academic year, and after introducing the campus, class contents, international student schedules, and dormitories, discussions were held. In addition, there was a report on what kind of marine experiments and experiences the international students conducted in 2022.




In the afternoon, the participants moved to the Nagasaki University Marine Biological Station in Taira-cho, Nagasaki City, where they were guided through facilities that handle marine life and toured the inside of the 「Nagasaki Maru」, which is owned by the Faculty of Fisheries of Nagasaki University.




The Marine Biological Laboratory has a breeding laboratory, a special breeding laboratory, a student laboratory, an outdoor breeding facility, and a sea-surface cage, where you can raise organisms and conduct experiments using seawater. In addition, we have a biological laboratory and a tissue cell culture room so that physiological experiments using fresh biological samples can be conducted. In addition, we have a molecular biology laboratory, a chemical laboratory, and a cold room so that molecular biology and biochemistry experiments can be conducted.



The Nagasaki Maru is a new ship that was just delivered in March 2018. The total length is about 69 meters, and the maximum capacity is 70 people. All year round, they mainly sail on Japan seas such as Toyama and Okinawa prefectures for marine training.



At the end of the day, we showed them around the Bunkyo Campus, which is the main campus of Nagasaki University.



The next day was a meeting for the upcoming year, the 2023 AFIMA Leaders Program. Nagasaki University will welcome international students on April 6.


2022 AFIMA Leaders Program Short-term Study Abroad Debriefing Session. & 2023 AFIMA Leaders Program Short-term Study Abroad Information Session.


In the summer of 2022, three students from Nagasaki University participated in the AFIMA Leaders Program for a short period of time. Each of them reported on the results of their studies at University Malaysian Terengganu and Pukyong National University.



Greetings from Dr. Takeda.


Prospective students who participated in the debriefing session.




Yoshiki Sugiyama

Nagasaki University, Faculty of Environmental Science, Environmental Conservation Design Course 3rd year.
Studied abroad at University Malaysian Terengganu for about two and a half months.



I was able to actively engage in various experiments.

When I was a child, I had two homestay experiences in the United States, and I was very interested in different cultures. University Malaysian Terengganu, where I studied abroad, was quite large, and there were not only cats but also large lizards and monkeys on the premises. I also have fond memories of observing the wildlife that lives in the area. All classes were taught in English, and my skills improved. The program that left an impression on me was an experiment in which samples were taken in the seas and rivers of Malaysia and microbes were observed and identified using a microscope. It is also a great growth that we are now able to face various experiments (research) positively and proactively. I would like to make use of this experience and aim to join the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in the future.


Class scene.


Sampling is carried out at two locations.


Scene of the experiment.




Yukino Baba

Nagasaki University, Faculty of Environmental Science, Environmental Conservation Design Course 3rd year.
Studied abroad at Pukyong National University for about 3 months.



One week of life on board is a precious time to deepen exchanges.

Marine problems are one of the fields I studied in the Faculty of Environmental Sciences, and I wanted to know what kind of problems overseas universities perceive them as and the perspective of solutions. At the study abroad destination, three programs were held: a class on marine economics, a practical training on boarding, and participation in seminars. In particular, during the on-board training, I spent about one week on the ship. After arriving in Mokpo, our destination, we spent time going to aquariums and gardens and eating local seafood dishes. It was quite different from the boarding training I had imagined, and I feel that it was a valuable place to deepen exchanges between students more than learning something.


A beautiful moon found during boarding training.


With everyone at the seminar.


I also enjoyed sightseeing in Seoul.




Sohei Shibasaki

Nagasaki University, Faculty of Fisheries, 1st year.
Studied abroad at Pukyong National University for about 3 months.



I want to tackle maritime issues, which have become a problem between countries.

I joined because I knew I could study fisheries bioeconomics. This program allowed me to learn and experience sustainable fisheries, international perspectives, and exchanges with people from various countries. In particular, in the class where we investigated and presented the initiatives related to fisheries management in each country as a team assignment, I was able to learn about the management methods and management methods of Korea, China, and the United States, which was a great learning experience. I was also surprised that there are differences in water problems in Korea, such as toilet paper cannot be flushed into the water. I would like to further improve my presentation and discussion skills cultivated through team assignments, and get a job where I can tackle maritime issues, which are issues between countries.


At the boarding practice.


Scenery of Korea seen from the boat.


Nagasaki University AFIMA Leaders Program Completion Ceremony.

The closing ceremony of the AFIMA Leaders Program was held on November 22, 2022. At the certificate award ceremony, Professor Takeda, Dean of the Graduate School, presented the certificate and commemorative gift.




Babul Atiqah Othman (University Malaysia Terengganu)




Faten Nur Aisyah Zainuldin (Universiti Malaysia Terengganu)




Jiwon Choi (Pukyong National University)




Gitae Nam (Pukyong National University)




Zhu Huanhuan (Ocean University of China)






After the award ceremony, we took a commemorative photo with the teachers. There were many words of gratitude to the teachers. Although it was a short period of about three months, the five international students learned a lot and moved on to the next step.





Impressions of International Students


When I did laboratory attachment supervised by Nakayama sensei, I am so attracted with the studies. It is so amazing how small creatures which is bacteria can play a big role to the environment. The laboratory study is quite different from my home university which is a bit difficult for me to learn all those terms, but I did gain new knowledge from that. I am also very interested in Hirasaka sensei’s class which is Molecular Nutrition. I learn so many new things related to the nutrition in aquatic organisms which are very beneficial to human health. I also learn about the mechanism of nutrition transportation in the bodies during this class.



I still can’t believe that I have been here for almost 3 months and will finish this program. Wherever I go, it leaves a piece of my heart. Every meeting must have a parting. My memories of this place which shall remain in my heart. This beautiful city and university will always be an important part and parcel of my lives. Besides that, my study abroad will change me forever which I need to go out from my comfort zone. I’m not ready to go yet, but I’m counting the days until I go. Saying goodbye to this beautiful and quite city was more sad than happy. I didn’t know what to do with myself or how to spend my last precious days. If I were to do it again, I would recommend myself to try to see the things I want but haven’t done yet because I am never known when I will be back again but I wish I come back again.



I was quite excited when I had chance to join this program, because I learn mostly about economics and trades about fish products. For those who preparing further education, this program will be helpful. I wish I’ve learned more things about marine and fisheries in my university. I’m thankful for everyone and both Nagasaki and Pukyong universities for providing such opportunity.



When solving problems, I can think from different angles, and have a better sense of teamwork and the ability to solve problems independently



I am impressed by Professor Honjo sensei’s lecture on ‘Animal Welfare’. In Korea, interest in animal welfare is high, and more and more people are paying higher prices for animal welfare products. However, it was interesting because I had never heard of the welfare of marine life. I always had a human-centered thinking because I thought about ‘selling seafood to consumers’. It was a very impressive experience to discuss things for animals, not for humans.