Nagasaki University (NU) is a comprehensive university which has 10 faculties, 7 graduate schools, and two research institutions. The origin is the first educational institution of medicine in Japan: Medical Training Institute (Igaku Denshu-sho) founded by J.L.C. Pompe van Meerdevoort in 1857. In 1949, the university was reformed by merging with some educational institutions including the Department of Fisheries, Nagasaki Youth Normal School, which was the predecessor of the current Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University.
Nagasaki Prefecture is the suitable place for maritime studies because it is surrounded by seas; the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea in the west, the Pacific Sea in the south, and the Sea of Ariake in the east. Taking advantage of this feature, Graduate School of Fisheries and Environmental Sciences, Nagasaki University, has been contributing to the society through research about technological innovations in domains of fisheries and environment. When it comes to international educational program related to the sustainable usage of oceans and marine products in Asia, this university can be said as the most suitable institution in Japan.
NU has signed MoU with 252 partner universities and institutions and concluded academic exchange and cooperation agreement.
From Pukyong National University and Ocean University of China, part of the oldest partner universities, we hosted 16 students to the student interaction program and 4 students to the Nagasaki University Japanese language and cultures training program, in the past five years.
Furthermore, we have welcomed great exchange students from several Asian countries, which realizes the learning community of the high-quality maritime education. Some of them have already started working in the latest field of marine products and environment as young researchers. NU also has hosted the interactive network among universities around East China Sea. As well as this network, the international symposium of six universities is held every other year. We have liaison offices at universities in China, Korea, and Vietnam and promote students’ interactions and joint research. Besides, the strong connection has been kept with other partner universities in Asia, Europe, and Africa.